Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

    BISP Call Service

    BISP call service is restored if you are among the beneficiaries of the Benazir Income Support Program and have any problem related to this program. So you can benefit from BISP call service. You have to dial the helpline number of BISP only from your mobile phone number.

    And you have to register your complaints while taking advantage of the service. Benazir Income Support Program is the largest aid program in the history of Pakistan. Who has served the poor and deserving people differently for many years?

     People were facing many problems related to this program. Illegal deductions were made from the amount received from BISP of the deserving persons, fees were collected from people for registration. The Chairperson of BISP has introduced a helpline number to provide solutions to people’s problems. The control room will activate as soon as the new episode of BISP is released. So that people can easily call the helpline number, ask for solutions to their problems, and register their complaints. Their complaints are processed promptly, and steps are taken to resolve their issue.

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    BISP Modern Call Center

    The Benazir Income Support Programme has set up a modern call center. Under this people’s complaints will registered and redressed. 8 to 10 thousand complaints will registered in this call center daily. The calls of the complainants will recorded, steps will taken to resolve their issues promptly and the service is always available. There are no charges for contacting this call center.

    If any person is facing difficulties, he can submit his complaint.

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    بی آئی ایس پی جدید کال سینٹر

    بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام نے جدید کال سینٹر قائم کیا ہے۔ جس کے تحت لوگوں کی شکایات درج کرکے ان کا ازالہ کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس کال سینٹر میں روزانہ 8 سے 10 ہزار شکایات درج ہوتی ہیں۔ شکایت کنندگان کی کالیں ریکارڈ کی جاتی ہیں، ان کے مسائل کو فوری حل کرنے کے لیے اقدامات کیے جاتے ہیں اور سروس ہمیشہ دستیاب رہتی ہے۔ اس کال سینٹر سے رابطہ کرنے کے لیے کوئی چارجز نہیں ہیں۔

    ٹیکنالوجی کی اس دور میں بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام نے لوگوں کو بہت سی سہولیات فراہم کی ہیں. لوگوں کو بی ائی ایس پی میں شکایات درج کروانا اسان بنانے کیلئے  بی ائی ایس پی کے واٹس ایپ نمبرز بھی فراہم کیے ہیں. یہ واٹس ایپ نمبرز صوبوں کے لحاظ سے الگ الگ فراہم کیے گئے ہیں، ان واٹس ایپ پر رابطہ کرنے کی کوئی چارجز نہیں ہیں. آپ کال ، میسجزیا وائس نوٹ کے ذریعے اپنی شکایات درج کر سکتے ہیں.

    اپ کے درخواست کا نوٹس لیا جائے گا، اور اپ کا مسئلہ درست ہونے کی صورت میں فوری حل کروایا جائے گا. بی ائی ایس پی کی واٹس ایپ سروس 24 گھنٹے دستیاب رہتی ہے اپ کسی بھی وقت رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں. رابطہ کرنے والوں سے درخواست ہے کہ اپنے میسجز ریکارڈ کروانے کے بعد اپنی باری کا انتظار کریں اور مسئلے کا حل جاننے میں جلدی نہ کریں.

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    BISP Whats App Numbers

    Benazir Income Support Program has provided many facilities to people in this age of technology. BISP WhatsApp numbers have also been provided to make it easier for people to lodge complaints with BISP. These WhatsApp numbers are provided separately by province, there are no charges for contacting them on WhatsApp. You can register your complaints through calls, messages, or voice notes.  Those who want to register at home can do their registration through the BISP WhatsApp number.

    Notice of your request will taken, and if your problem is correct, it will solved immediately. BISP’s WhatsApp service is available 24 hours a day and you can contact us anytime. After recording their messages, the contacts will request to wait for their turn and not rush to find the solution.

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    BISP Error Code

    Many people will told through SMS or call from different numbers. They have registered themselves in the Benazir Income Support Program, and their assistance money has come from BISP. Contact this number to receive money, or submit a fee to receive your money.

    An alert message will received from BISP that such people should not fool people.

    Because the Benazir Income Support Program always communicates to its Beneficiary through its correct code 8171. The registration status of the program details and the definition of a new installment will communicated through this code only to any other court except this court.

    The messages received regarding BISP from the number are false beware of these fraudsters and do not send money to any person without verification for registration or registration to obtain cash from BISP. There is no fee for eligibility checking. People asking for a fee are scammers.