Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
    2024 Darul-e-Hassas Program Online Registration Guide for Orphan Child Support

    Check Daar-ul Ahsaas Program Online Registration 2024

    Check Daar-ul Ahsaas Program Online Registration 2024. The Government of Pakistan under Ehsaas has launched many relief programs to empower the poor people of the backward classes and improve their standard of living. Many orphans and destitute have no family to support them and are unable to live according to their wishes and fulfill their desires. They do not have enough facilities to meet their expenses and to support someone. Study in a good educational institution.

    Keeping all their problems in mind, the government of Pakistan started the Darul-Ahsaas program to provide them with a better life.  The Government of Pakistan has established around 51 orphanages under the BSP program across the country. Pakistan Baitul Mal manages orphanages by providing educational support to eligible families in this program. Children, women, orphans, widows, and divorced women in orphanages are provided with all the education facilities. And the treatment, food, health care, sports, clean clothes, and other activities from childhood to university.

    Its main objective is to fulfill the basic needs of eligible people, provide adequate education, and fulfill their aspirations for a bright future by empowering them economically and socially. Poverty has increased greatly in Pakistan, due to which the government is making efforts to eradicate poverty. But at the same time, private organizations are also leading in this work.

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    Dar-ul-Ehsaas Program Eligibility Criteria

    Like every aid program, some eligibility criteria have been set for the Darul-Ehsaas program. Under this program, only those people who have no sponsor can be eligible. All the facilities of this program will provided to those who are genuinely entitled to it. Only the following people can be eligible for this program.

    • Only orphan boys/girls can be eligible for this program.
    • All such orphans aged between four and six years are eligible for admission to this program.
    • For people who belong to poor families and cannot afford the expenses of their family. The Darul-Ehsaas program focuses on such people.
    • Those fathers who are not able to support their children, make them enter the orphanage.
    • Women who have divorced, who have widowed, who have no place to live, or who have no support, are eligible for this program.

    دارالاحساس پروگرام

    بہت سے یتیموں کے پاس ان کی کفالت کے لیے کوئی کنبہ نہیں ہے. وہ اپنی زندگی اپنی مرضی کے مطابق گزارنے اور اپنی خواہشات کو پورا کرنے سے قاصر ہیں. ان کے پاس اتنی سہولیات نہیں ہیں کہ ان کی کفالت کر سکیں۔ کسی اچھے تعلیمی ادارے میں تعلیم حاصل کریں۔

    ان کے تمام مسائل کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے حکومت پاکستان نے انہیں بہتر زندگی فراہم کرنے کے لیے دارالاحساس پروگرام شروع کیا۔

    حکومت پاکستان نے بی ایس پی پروگرام کے تحت ملک بھر میں تقریباً 51 یتیم خانے قائم کیے ہیں۔ پاکستان بیت المال اس پروگرام میں اہل خاندانوں کو تعلیمی مدد فراہم کرکے یتیم خانوں کا انتظام کرتا ہے۔ یتیم خانوں میں بچوں، خواتین، یتیموں، بیواؤں اور طلاق یافتہ خواتین کو بچپن سے لے کر. یونیورسٹی تک تمام تعلیم، علاج، خوراک، صحت کی دیکھ بھال، کھیل کود، صاف کپڑے اور دیگر سرگرمیاں فراہم کی جاتی ہیں۔

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    Darul-Ehsaas Program Online Registration

    In the world of the Internet, the government of Pakistan has introduced the online registration method to the people. Through this, ease has been created in the registration process. You can register yourself in the Darul-Ehsaas program through the 8171 web portal, or check the status of your application. You can register online for this program by following the steps below.

    Open the official web portal of the Up Ehsaas program, and click on the Online Registration button.

    • Fill out the application form with all the required information and documents (such as name, age, paternity, father’s death certificate, or divorce certificate), and click the submit button.
    • After applying, you will receive a confirmation message if you are eligible for this program.
    • A representative of the program will interview you.
    • If you are declared eligible for this program, you will be provided a monthly stipend or educational facilities. Eelse you will admitted to the orphanage of Darul-e-Hassas.

    If you think that you are eligible for the Darul-e-Hassas program, then the good news for you is that the new registration for the Dar-ul-Ehassas program has started. You can get complete details of the program through the web portal. You can check your online status by entering your National Identity Card number 8171 on the portal.

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    Main Objectives Of Darul-Ahsaas Program

    Everything and every work in life has some purpose, similarly, the Darul-EHsas program has also been designed with many excellent purposes.

    • The main objective of this program is to relieve poverty by providing financial assistance to destitute orphans and divorced women.
    • In this program, the importance of education has been emphasized by providing educational facilities.
    • This program aims to enable orphaned boys and girls to lead a healthy life by providing free medical facilities.
    • This program focuses on providing orphans with safe housing (where they have access to clean clothes, healthy food, and necessities).
    • This program provides vocational training and employment opportunities to the youth.